
This theme includes interventions on waste and wastewater management. It also includes risk prevention measures such as prevention of the coastal erosion and hydrogeological instability. It also covers action for climate change adaptation, biodiversity promotion and nature preservation.


The evolution of the territorial context on this theme is represented by some statistical indicators available on Database of territorial indicators for development policies (ISTAT)

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Separate waste collection

The percentage of waste subject to separate collection out of the total urban waste in Italy grew from 14.4% in 2000 to 65.2% in 2022.
The increase is also significant in the South and Islands, with the share going from 2.4% in 2000 to 57.5% in 2022.

Percentage of urban waste subject to separate collection out of total urban waste

Greenhouse gas emissions

The tons of CO2 per inhabitant in Italy are 7 in 2019 while in 2000 were 9.9. In Southern Italy, the value in 2000 was equal to 8.6 tons of CO2 per inhabitant and diminished to 6.5 in 2019.

Tons of CO2 equivalent per inhabitant

Since 2007 up to today, the value of projects monitored and supported by cohesion policies improving the environmental conditions has reached 30 billion euros, out of which over 14 billion concern projects financed in the 2014-2020 programming period.

24,119 Funded projects
€ 30.8 billion Public fundings
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