• Regional capital: Campobasso
  • Population: 290,636 inhabitants ?
  • GDP procapita: 21,700 € ?
  • Surface: 4,460.39 kmq
  • Num. Municipalities: 136
  • Web site:
Code Municipality Public cost
70001 Acquaviva Collecroce 20442587.00
94001 Acquaviva d'Isernia 2063184.00
94002 Agnone 176805690.00
94003 Bagnoli del Trigno 45794516.00
70002 Baranello 194026913.00
94004 Belmonte del Sannio 4588422.00
70003 Bojano 137922891.00
70004 Bonefro 180329855.00
70005 Busso 146982063.00
70006 Campobasso 595524391.00
70007 Campochiaro 147637740.00
70008 Campodipietra 140219548.00
70009 Campolieto 156287687.00
70010 Campomarino 44986860.00
94005 Cantalupo nel Sannio 55742167.00
94006 Capracotta 15210743.00
94007 Carovilli 142114911.00
94008 Carpinone 68692529.00
70011 Casacalenda 43374025.00
70012 Casalciprano 19874142.00
94012 Castel San Vincenzo 6378287.00
94009 Castel del Giudice 11812193.00
70013 Castelbottaccio 2771136.00
70014 Castellino del Biferno 34972690.00
70015 Castelmauro 8802406.00
94010 Castelpetroso 135954611.00
94011 Castelpizzuto 14019218.00
94013 Castelverrino 3082718.00
70016 Castropignano 152974603.00
70017 Cercemaggiore 144463213.00
70018 Cercepiccola 133205557.00
94014 Cerro al Volturno 16489241.00
94015 Chiauci 21238457.00
70019 Civitacampomarano 21567079.00
94016 Civitanova del Sannio 174334057.00
70020 Colle d'Anchise 6190113.00
70021 Colletorto 181935117.00
94017 Colli a Volturno 12374287.00
94018 Conca Casale 14368424.00
70022 Duronia 183426147.00
70023 Ferrazzano 10459878.00
94019 Filignano 3639544.00
94020 Forlì del Sannio 6117665.00
94021 Fornelli 6604168.00
70024 Fossalto 9400866.00
94022 Frosolone 144367530.00
70025 Gambatesa 145167893.00
70026 Gildone 9571795.00
70027 Guardialfiera 42137259.00
70028 Guardiaregia 189820832.00
70029 Guglionesi 43100667.00
94023 Isernia 298263075.00
70030 Jelsi 139811754.00
70031 Larino 192068732.00
70032 Limosano 10696231.00
94024 Longano 17015859.00
70033 Lucito 138067414.00
70034 Lupara 20792061.00
70035 Macchia Valfortore 141924913.00
94025 Macchia d'Isernia 29873075.00
94026 Macchiagodena 7700506.00
70036 Mafalda 29148282.00
70037 Matrice 213593816.00
70038 Mirabello Sannitico 21039898.00
94027 Miranda 19448570.00
70039 Molise 1459814.00
70040 Monacilioni 156074948.00
70041 Montagano 140069958.00
94028 Montaquila 18119596.00
70042 Montecilfone 22265687.00
70043 Montefalcone nel Sannio 11090880.00
70044 Montelongo 20729294.00
70045 Montemitro 20930791.00
94029 Montenero Val Cocchiara 2284556.00
70046 Montenero di Bisaccia 34747787.00
94030 Monteroduni 20835352.00
70047 Montorio nei Frentani 10499590.00
70048 Morrone del Sannio 139013133.00
70049 Oratino 148923483.00
70050 Palata 49918627.00
94031 Pesche 24183845.00
94032 Pescolanciano 152174547.00
94033 Pescopennataro 8807836.00
70051 Petacciato 62180088.00
70052 Petrella Tifernina 139129842.00
94034 Pettoranello del Molise 133336694.00
94035 Pietrabbondante 146452729.00
70053 Pietracatella 139581913.00
70054 Pietracupa 10621991.00
94036 Pizzone 1654658.00
94037 Poggio Sannita 134039470.00
70055 Portocannone 6345893.00
94038 Pozzilli 109523760.00
70056 Provvidenti 16716239.00
70057 Riccia 17007998.00
94039 Rionero Sannitico 138077870.00
70058 Ripabottoni 179134908.00
70059 Ripalimosani 146229040.00
94040 Roccamandolfi 3971600.00
94041 Roccasicura 142700869.00
70060 Roccavivara 8400489.00
94042 Rocchetta a Volturno 4630055.00
70061 Rotello 40776550.00
70062 Salcito 133835968.00
70063 San Biase 16320227.00
70064 San Felice del Molise 11787144.00
70065 San Giacomo degli Schiavoni 21674721.00
70066 San Giovanni in Galdo 145936754.00
70067 San Giuliano del Sannio 184708073.00
70068 San Giuliano di Puglia 160504376.00
70069 San Martino in Pensilis 180037974.00
70070 San Massimo 146005427.00
94043 San Pietro Avellana 7856129.00
70071 San Polo Matese 157066618.00
94044 Sant'Agapito 17592695.00
70073 Sant'Angelo Limosano 16461095.00
94046 Sant'Angelo del Pesco 9099275.00
94047 Sant'Elena Sannita 2784772.00
70074 Sant'Elia a Pianisi 174904432.00
70072 Santa Croce di Magliano 165341366.00
94045 Santa Maria del Molise 132855111.00
94048 Scapoli 5563481.00
70075 Sepino 143626610.00
94049 Sessano del Molise 2839801.00
94050 Sesto Campano 26202005.00
70076 Spinete 4688331.00
70077 Tavenna 22089442.00
70078 Termoli 809055727.00
70079 Torella del Sannio 135779446.00
70080 Toro 142134762.00
70081 Trivento 165176371.00
70082 Tufara 8760615.00
70083 Ururi 146254218.00
94051 Vastogirardi 143084581.00
94052 Venafro 58793877.00
70084 Vinchiaturo 202184897.00

Since 2007 up to today in Molise Region the value of projects monitored and supported by cohesion policies has exceeded 14 billion euros, out of which more than 12 billion relate to projects financed in the 2014-2020 programming period.

19,481 Funded projects
€ 15.2 billion Public fundings
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The evolution of the territorial context on all cohesion themes is represented both by financed project and by a selection of statistical indicators available on Database of territorial indicators for development policies (ISTAT)

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Research and innovation

Over 600 million invested in Research and innovation projects supported by cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are industrial research and pilot testing services and projects for enterprises, as well as projects for strengthening facilities and laboratories of universities and research centres and for technology transfer to enterprises.

€ 629.5 million Public fundings
4% of the total
from 0 to 0.8% researchers in enterprises (2010-2021)

Networks and digital services

Over 66 million invested in Digital services projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are interventions for the improvement of network infrastructure, broadband and ultra-broadband connectivity, services for citizens and enterprises and aid to enterprises for the development of new technologies, e-government, e-health and e-inclusion projects.

€ 66.9 million Public fundings
0% of the total
80.3% households with internet access (2022)

Enterprises' competitiveness

Over 4,6 billion invested in Enterprises' competitiveness projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are incentives and services for the creation of new enterprises, the setting-up of new production facilities or the expansion and modernization of existing ones, as well as financial engineering tools.

€ 4.6 billion Public fundings
31% of the total
from 13.4% to 30.4% innovative enterprises (2004-2020)


Over 66 million invested in Energy projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are systems for energy generation from renewable sources and initiatives for the promotion of energy savings by citizens, enterprises and the Public Administration.

€ 69.1 million Public fundings
0% of the total
from 43.5 to 30.5 Gwh/sqkm energy consumption for public lighting (2011-2022)


Over 600 million invested in Environment projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are interventions related to wastewater and waste management, risk prevention measures, actions for climate change adaptation, biodiversity promotion and nature preservation.

€ 637.9 million Public fundings
4% of the total
58,4% separate collection of municipal waste (2022)

Culture and tourism

Over 300 million invested in Tourism and Culture projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are infrastructural interventions for the protection and conservation of cultural heritage, for the improvement of tourism services and for the promotion and enhancement of natural resources.

€ 328.8 million Public fundings
2% of the total
1.4 nights tourists’ presence per inhabitant (2022)

Transport and mobility

Over 1,2 billion invested in Transport and mobility projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are interventions aimed at strengthening railway lines, road networks, port connections and intermodality, also including interventions that encourage the sustainable mobility and public transport in congested urban areas.

€ 1.3 billion Public fundings
8% of the total
14.3% public transport users (2022)

Employment and labour

Over 5,5 billion invested in Employment and Labour projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are active and preventive labour market measures, the development of systemic actions and strategies for lifelong learning in enterprises, measures for improving access to employment and for increasing sustainable participation of women for achieving work-life balance.

€ 6.5 billion Public fundings
43% of the total
from 53.4% to 54.8% employees compared to the overall population (2018-2022)

Social inclusion and health

Over 500 million invested in Inclusion and Health projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are interventions for the social and occupational integration of disadvantaged people, investments in social services and health infrastructure, as well as public housing and projects aimed at increasing active and healthy aging and promoting equal opportunities and active participation.

€ 530.8 million Public fundings
4% of the total
23,0% people living below the poverty line (2022)

Education and training

Over 200 million invested in Education and training projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are interventions aimed at promoting educational success and social inclusion as a way of contrasting early school leaving, actions to improve students’ learning and enhance excellence, as well as measures targeting school staff (such as training) and adult education programmes.

€ 242.9 million Public fundings
2% of the total
20.9% youth NEET (2022)

Administrative capacity

Over 200 million invested in Administrative capacity projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are projects for the modernization of the Public Administration, to encourage the development of digital skills, the availability of to foster the development of digital skills, the availability of data and information and open government, as well as interventions to improve the programming, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and communication of programmes funded by cohesion policies.

€ 224.7 million Public fundings
1% of the total
23.0% Municipalities with fully interactive services (2018)

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