Communication 2021-2027

This page provides content related to the communication of the cohesion policies of the 2021-2027 programming period. In particular, it gathers the guidelines, useful materials and tools prepared by the European Commission, as well as material prepared in the framework of the activities of the Member State Communication Coordinator 2021-2027.

The Italian National Communication Coordinator 2021-2027, as envisaged in the section on Coordination Mechanisms and Structures of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027, is appointed by the Department for Cohesion Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers by virtue of the coordination of the OpenCohesion initiative, which, after the 2014-2020 period, continues its role of the single national portal also for the 2021-2027 period (the designation letter is available). 

Hereinafter is provided a list of materials developed at national level for the unitary coordination of communication:

  • Guidelines on the communication of Operations of Strategic Importance - OSI 

At the European level operates the INFORM EU network, which brings together the communicators of the Programmes co-financed by the European funds of the 2021-2027 Partnership Agreements and brings together the previous European networks operating for the ERDF (INFORM) and for the ESF (INIO).