Data Matching
From OpenCoesione, the hub of information on cohesion policy in Italy, it is possible to access and compare data published on other institutional sites and portals related to cohesion policies, as well as to integrate information on projects funded by cohesion policies with other statistical or administrative data that enrich specific areas of intervention with details.
In particular, in order to facilitate the comparison with other available institutional data on cohesion policies in Italy, tools and details are provided with reference to:
- comparison with EC Cohesion Open Data Platform by EC-DG Regio
- comparison with Monitoring Reports by MEF-RGS-IGRUE
In order to reinforce the reuse and integration of data, details and datasets are made available to users in which data on projects funded by Cohesion Policies in Italy are enriched with variables from other sources. In particular, it is available:
- integration between OpenCoesione data on projects funded in the cultural sphere and the ISTAT survey on state and non-state museums
- integration between OpenCoesione data of the public entities and the registry BDAP of the Public Administration Bodies
The integration between sources is performed by semi-automatic matching algorithms that, depending on the quality of the underlying data, may not detect some associations that actually exist. If you detect any, please report it here. Reuse can improve data.
The "data matching" section of the OpenCoesione portal is being progressively and constantly updated: here you may indicate other initiatives to be considered.