Focus dashboards

The focuses of OpenCoesione are in-depth analysis on the ongoing projects financed with cohesion funds and referring to specific sector policies. Focuses data are published in the opendata section of the portal. From this page it is possible to directly access all the interactive dashboards relating to the policy focuses published in the open data section of the portal: each dashboard contains charts and maps created to facilitate the reuse of data by all types of users.

The dashboards are updated every two months. For each policy focus, the dashboard can be consulted in relation to four main dimensions:

  • Programming period and fund; 

  • Territory: territorial distribution of investments and levels of implementation by region, in order of decreasing level of funding; 

  • Projects: variables available for the consultation are Type of investment, Financial dimension by type of investment and administrative status;

  • Programmes: list of the main 10 programmes per public funding monitored of the ongoing projects.

All the interactive charts are elaborated starting from the data analyzed within the Focus on the projects in progress, which are the result of analysis and insights on specific topics, provided by cohesion policy policy experts (while the synthetic themes represent a classification resulting from an automatic calculation that concerns all the published projects).

Each dashboard - which can also be consulted by each programming period - enables to download the related open data files.

  1. Tourist attraction

  2. Confiscated assets

  3. Reclamation

  4. Culture

  5. Instability

  6. Water

  7. Childhood

  8. Innovation, research and human capital

  9. Reservoir

  10. Waste

  11. Mitigation of Seismic Hazard


Attrattività turistica
Beni confiscati
Dissesto idrogeologico
Innovazione, ricerca e capitale umano
Idrico (servizio idrico integrato)
Infanzia (servizi per la prima infanzia)
Trasporti e Mobilità sostenibile

Cambiamento climatico
SNAI (Strategia nazionale aree interne)