Corsa Rosa della Coesione, Stage 7: Vasto – L’Aquila


Stage 7 of the Giro d’Italia starts in Vasto and runs along the Italian coast to L’Aquila, the capital city of the Abruzzo region.

In Vasto, two projects have been selected for Corsa Rosa della Coesione, both of which concern financing for the purchase of new alternative-fuel buses, with two different public-transport companies (Cerella S.r.l. and Società Autoservizi Tessitore) receiving funding. The financing of this type of project, in this case some one million euros from the Development and Cohesion Fund, seeks to promote a transportation system that is efficient, integrated, flexible, safe and sustainable, as well as to create intercity connections to promote economic and social development.

In L’Aquila, the project selected had a significant total cost of nearly €6 million and concerned the reconstruction of the city’s medieval walls.

The project was the subject of civic monitoring by the team Le Nostre Mura for the 2016-2017 edition of OpenCoesione Goes to School (ASOC).

The team, who did excellent work and came in sixth place overall, told an accurate, creative story of the project, including by way of the video below.

The stages of Corsa Rosa della Coesione >>

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