Cohesion policy resources updated at 31st October 2022


The tables relating to cohesion policy resources in the three programming periods respectively 2021-2027, 2014-2020 and 2007-2013 have been published on the OpenCoesione portal updated with data as at 31st October 2022.

The data released refer to the overall allocation of the cohesion policy, which at this latest update amounts at 148.24 billion euros for the 2021-2027 period, while the 2014-2020 period amount is settled at 139.45 billion euros, as well as the amount settled at some more then 74.5 billion euros for the 2007-2013 period.

The allocation is the sum of EU and national resources that can be assigned to plans and programmes associated with the intervention strategies of each programming period of cohesion policies, contributing to financing the operations whose data are then monitored and published on the Open Cohesion portal.