Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2023


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Culture and tourism 38585825
Transport and mobility 28168872
Environment 22631183
Networks and digital services 16458136
Social inclusion and health 12834404
Education and training 5812669
Enterprises' competitiveness 3479622
Administrative capacity 529263
Research and innovation 120000
Energy 0
Employment and labour 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 41975791
Infrastructure 85201194
Incentives for firms 487100
Grants to individuals 955889
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Given name Value
BASILICATA 128634793


What role does he play in the projects?

Given name Value
Beneficiary / Executor / Implementing body 44651881.68
Beneficiary 27021188.00
Beneficiary / Implementing body 24684489.68
Beneficiary / Implementing body / Planning body 18958765.52
Implementing body / Planning body 8543752.83
Implementing body 3359896.61
Beneficiary / Planning body 1200000.00
Beneficiary / Executor / Implementing body / Planning body 200000.00
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2023


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Culture and tourism 36718545
Transport and mobility 27343311
Environment 19190434
Networks and digital services 16492758
Social inclusion and health 12240582
Education and training 5812669
Enterprises' competitiveness 2550000
Administrative capacity 874955
Research and innovation 120000
Energy 0
Employment and labour 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 42356106
Infrastructure 77767549
Incentives for firms 469600
Grants to individuals 750000
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Given name Value
BASILICATA 121358073


What role does he play in the projects?

Given name Value
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2023


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Culture and tourism 23135237
Environment 13330579
Transport and mobility 11764634
Social inclusion and health 6989186
Networks and digital services 4795111
Enterprises' competitiveness 3367933
Education and training 2087392
Administrative capacity 472046
Research and innovation 0
Energy 0
Employment and labour 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 19427799
Infrastructure 45591679
Incentives for firms 428641
Grants to individuals 494000
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Given name Value


What role does he play in the projects?

Given name Value
Beneficiary 20156061.75
Beneficiary / Implementing body 15448543.60
Beneficiary / Executor / Implementing body 10814052.15
Beneficiary / Implementing body / Planning body 8194253.08
Implementing body / Planning body 7969311.64
Implementing body 3359896.61
Beneficiary / Planning body 0
Beneficiary / Executor / Implementing body / Planning body 0
Data in euro
Updated on 31/12/2023


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Culture and tourism 22488486
Environment 12892104
Transport and mobility 11683007
Social inclusion and health 6967013
Networks and digital services 4795111
Enterprises' competitiveness 2469970
Education and training 2087392
Administrative capacity 472046
Research and innovation 0
Energy 0
Employment and labour 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 19427799
Infrastructure 43648688
Incentives for firms 428641
Grants to individuals 350000
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where does funding go?

Given name Value


What role does he play in the projects?

Given name Value
Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/12/2023

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2002 929622.00 929699.60
2003 929622.00 929699.60
2004 929622.00 929699.60
2005 997925.53 930574.35
2006 3904962.15 969742.26
2007 8419962.15 2084420.54
2008 9188167.43 4392053.95
2009 14132935.00 6159405.21
2010 14641829.72 7959104.50
2011 14824134.76 9114219.97
2012 17706605.51 10635273.66
2013 18773701.79 14354530.62
2014 19568576.04 16023332.18
2015 20539751.30 18948515.85
2016 24159415.49 21586959.06
2017 30005256.50 24544503.59
2018 56536026.97 35083038.12
2019 83001715.49 45317155.93
2020 84624371.68 52894099.17
2021 89921040.84 54604456.00
2022 90591582.06 63274477.35
2023 93591582.06 65942118.83

Municipalities with most per-capita funding

Comune di Matera € 2,035
Comune di Tricarico € 1,184
Comune di Potenza € 0

The entirety of project funding is associated with the municipality, even when a project is located in multiple municipalities. Population numbers are as at 31/12/2011 (source: ISTAT).