Development and cohesion plans

The Development and Cohesion Plan (PSC) is the programming instrument envisaged by the article n. 44 of the Legislative Decree n.34/2019 and subsequent amendments and integrations, aimed at unifying the programming of the national resources of the Development and Cohesion Fund (FSC, former Fund for Under-utilized Areas, FAS) for the Central Administrations, Regional Authorities and Autonomous Provinces and Metropolitan cities relating to three programming periods: 2000-2006, 2007-2013 and 2014-2020.

The definition of the PSC has been completed as a result of the recognition finalized at reducing the variety of different programmes and programming instruments within one single Plan (thus called PSC) for each of the administrations involved re-programming of the resources that have not yet been committed (based on an advanced planning stage or a priority strategic assessment, as established respectively in paragraph 7a and paragraph 7b of Article 44 of Legislative Decree 34/2019 and subsequent amendments and integrations). The funds reprogramming was aimed at mitigating the Covid-19 emergency effects pursuant to the art.241 and 242 of the Leg.Decree n. 34/2020. To the FSC re-programmable funds ex.44 have been allocated the new residual FSC 2014-2020 funds.

The Development and Cohesion Plans are organized into three different Sections:

  • Ordinary Section - confirmed interventions 

  • Special Section 1 - mitigation of the Covid-19 effects

  • Special Section 2 - financial coverage of former Operational Programmes of the Structural Funds 2014-2020 reprogrammed in order to mitigate the Covid-19 emergency effects

The following interactive diagram illustrates the main steps of the reprogramming process, with the relative quantifications: the confirmed FSC resources for 81,9 billion euros have flowed into the ordinary section of the PSC, reducing the number of programs from over 900 to current 43. A residual part of reprogrammed resources has flowed into other programmes and not into the Development and Cohesion Plans.

PSC: re-programming process

the main steps of the re-programming process and relative quantifications 


The governance of the PSCs - as defined by CIPESS Resolution n.2/2021 - foresees the identification of a Managing Authority, of a Monitoring Committee and, possibly, of a Certification Authority. The PSC is characterized by a set of rules relating to management, financial cycle, reprogramming, monitoring, evaluation and transparency.

The PSC is characterized by a single set of rules relating to management, the financial cycle, reprogramming, surveillance, monitoring, evaluation and transparency. As required by CIPESS Resolution 2/2021, on 15 September 2021 the document called "Guidelines for the definition of the management and control systems of the Development and Cohesion Plans" was published by the Territorial Cohesion Agency (today Department for Cohesion Policies and for the South).

The PSCs are organized into 12 thematic areas furthermore divided into intervention sectors.

12 thematic areas

All PSC projects are monitored in the Unitary Database (BDU) managed by MEF-RGS-IGRUE, whose data are published on the portal In the National Monitoring System and therefore on OpenCoesione the progressive update of the PSC implementation data is currently underway.

The official Note RGS-IGRUE n.302075 dated 17/12/2021 contains operational indications for a migration in monitoring of the projects of Development and Cohesion Plans and a first list of PSC codes. With two further RGS-IGRUE notes, a second list of PSC codes (n. 30303 of 02/25/2022) and a third list of PSC codes (n. 55216 of 04/04/2022) were communicated.

The data relating to the programming structure of the PSCs broken down by section, thematic area and sector of intervention are available in an open data format in the section dedicated to programming of the opendata page where also the updates of the PSCs, are available (these following the first approval). Similarly, the list of all the CIPESS resolutions amending the PSCs can be downloaded.

In order to facilitate reconciliation with the implementation data published on the OpenCoesione portal, which are still organized with the old structure (Agreements, national plans, PRA and PAR), it is possible to refer to the file available on this page instead of the open data relating to the programming. Similarly, the list of all CIPE resolutions for allocating resources to programming instruments reorganized by the PSC.