2014-2020 programming period Go to list of projects
Code Region Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
13 ABRUZZO 81451123 64 150190619 58551208 117511649 24
8 EMILIA-ROMAGNA 162142881 37 329527816 127576388 253144655 57
6 FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 154950949 130 396179462 125342350 326192293 56
11 MARCHE 150518551 101 246068645 117953967 205405143 54
14 MOLISE 45931703 158 75861671 36020790 66075463 16
16 PUGLIA 136136790 35 239728751 104313420 189907148 45
5 VENETO 194515832 40 397612246 153215052 329123232 70
Code Province Public cost Per capita funding Cohesion funds Payments Cohesion payments Projects
42 ANCONA 128382593 278 142910168 97805602 106667486 43
44 ASCOLI PICENO 12237343 61 19327864 11559092 18420606 6
72 BARI 124328692 101 127094331 93194891 97384311 37
110 BARLETTA-ANDRIA-TRANI 5246153 14 17202573 4527295 15909078 3
74 BRINDISI 31494400 83 29792783 25380409 23944683 12
70 CAMPOBASSO 45931703 218 75861671 36020790 66075463 16
69 CHIETI 27551270 74 31239974 21940742 25810274 10
109 FERMO 3395421 20 3220504 3037719 2884213 2
38 FERRARA 88692979 261 107742251 66389014 80232117 25
71 FOGGIA 16988151 29 33179198 14410053 28897691 8
40 FORLI'-CESENA 47468668 121 55143394 36319339 41576983 17
31 GORIZIA 40830540 296 53447064 35353549 44472938 16
75 LECCE 34338656 45 32459866 25155530 23771385 10
43 MACERATA 11910829 39 52249464 11245579 51512588 7
28 PADOVA 60657339 65 88576412 45221544 69134664 18
41 PESARO E URBINO 23245177 67 28360645 20966155 25920249 12
68 PESCARA 53573719 171 59911280 39885917 47029241 16
93 PORDENONE 14021734 45 13253284 11539981 10904209 4
39 RAVENNA 96647535 250 98770709 74448154 77475395 33
99 RIMINI 55476120 164 67871462 43906656 53860159 19
29 ROVIGO 30519978 134 57212979 27427450 50367793 15
67 TERAMO 39147873 131 59039365 24483181 44672134 8
32 TRIESTE 91486783 400 110368333 77966369 93438674 37
30 UDINE 97133062 188 219110781 72160526 177376472 30
27 VENEZIA 169436970 203 251822855 137308405 209620775 64
Data in euro
Updated on 31/10/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/10/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/10/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in euro
Updated on 31/10/2024


Where does funding go?

Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/10/2024

Implementing bodies with most funding

REGIONE MARCHE € 75,407,458
REGIONE PUGLIA € 68,448,004

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2002 0 356590.50
2003 0 356590.50
2004 0 356590.50
2005 0 356590.50
2006 0 356590.50
2007 0 358219.26
2008 0 358219.26
2009 0 358431.48
2010 0 358431.48
2011 0 361594.91
2012 0 366043.57
2013 0 366043.57
2014 0 366812.27
2015 0 368417.58
2016 0 407388.75
2017 0 1537470.42
2018 35359667.88 12282092.24
2019 151818435.02 53006724.64
2020 232357161.81 93186474.90
2021 232357161.81 145189876.04
2022 237468788.91 190795778.34
2023 237468788.91 194463404.87

Municipalities with most per-capita funding

Comune di Monte Cavallo € 21,124
Comune di Bolognola € 15,620
Comune di Castelsantangelo sul Nera € 9,858

The entirety of project funding is associated with the municipality, even when a project is located in multiple municipalities. Population numbers are as at 31/12/2022 (source: ISTAT).