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Open data stands for information published in a format with following characteristics:

  • accessible (especially via the internet) without limitation according to the user's identity or purpose;

  • processed by a computer application without the need for specific software;

  • accompanied by licenses that enable free of charge use and reuse.

For further information on the national open data strategy, consult the national portal

Information on projects implementing the cohesion policy is collected in a single monitoring system, managed by the State General Accounting Department (Ministry of Economy and Finance).

The datasets published on OpenCoesione provide a partial rendering of this monitoring in a form suitable for responding to the citizens’ user needs and interests.


Implementation of cohesion policies: projects

In this section you can download in a single file the data referring to all the projects implementing the 2007-2013, 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 cohesion policies funded through the Structural Funds, the National Development and Cohesion Fund (Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione - FSC) and the Cohesion Action Plan (Piano d’Azione per la Coesione - PAC) available on the website. Projects that span more than more programming area are reported in just one record in the datasets, containing all the information on the different categories into which the project falls.

The datasets are updated every two months and published about three months after the reference date. Some projects may show less recent information, as reported in the "Date_YYYYMMDD" field for each. The minimum reporting unit is the project, therefore all the information is linked to funded projects.

The data are published in the form they are submitted to the administrations that manage the funds, with some additional variables (identified with the prefix OC_ in the dataset) used to make the information easier to read, including a classification based on 13 themes. Consult the reconciliation file (xls, 1.4 MB) setting out the EU priority themes and the CUP classification.

As of 31 December 2014 some variable names have been changed. You can download the utility file (xls, 35.0 KB) that shows the old and the new names for each dataset modified (Projects, Entities and Locations).

Projects with extended record

Last update: september 2024 on data at 30/06/2024.

Projects located in Valle d'Aosta
Projects located in Piemonte
Projects located in Lombardia
Projects located in Trento e Bolzano
Projects located in Veneto
Projects located in Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Projects located in Liguria
Projects located in Emilia-Romagna
Projects located in Toscana
Projects located in Umbria
Projects located in Marche
Projects located in Lazio
Projects located in Abruzzo
Projects located in Campania
Projects located in Molise
Projects located in Puglia
Projects located in Calabria
Projects located in Basilicata
Projects located in Sicilia
Projects located in Sardegna
Projets located in Italy
Projects located abroad

Last update: september 2024 on data at 30/06/2024.

Projects on Research and Innovation
Projects on Networks and digital services
Projects on Enterprises' competitiveness
Projects on Energy
Projects on Environment
Projects on Culture and tourism
Projects on Transportation and mobility
Projects on Employment and labour
Projects on Social inclusion and health
Projects on Education and training
Projects on Administrative capacity

Last update: september 2024 on data at 30/06/2024.

In this section you can download as distinct datasets the data referring to all the projects implementing the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 cohesion policies available on the website.

The datasets are relational: "Progetti" (Projects) is the main dataset and can be downloaded as a separate file, while "Localizzazioni" (Locations), "Soggetti" (Entities), "Pagamenti" (Payments), "Impegni" (Undertakes), "Fasi" (Phases) and "Indicatori" (Indicators) provide information supplementing the main dataset using a key field to identify a given project in the various tables. Datasets "Ambiti" (Scopes) are also linked to "Progetti" and they provide information on programming by fund and period.

Projects db table
Entities db table
Locations db table
Stages db table
Payments db table
Commitments db table
Indicators db table
Projects in 2007-2013 ERDF Programmes
Projects in 2007-2013 ESF Programmes
Projects in 2007-2013 DCF Programmes
Projects in 2007-2013 ACP Programmes
Projects in 2014-2020 ERDF Programmes
Projects in 2014-2020 ESF Programmes
Projects in 2014-2020 YEI Programmes
Projects in 2014-2020 CTE Programmes
Projects in2014-2020 DCF Programmes
Projects in 2014-2020 ACP Programmes
Projects in 2014-2020 SNAI Programmes
Projects in 2021-2027 DCF Programmes

Last update: september 2024 on data at 30/06/2024.

In this section are available focuses created starting from in-depth analysis on the ongoing projects published on OpenCoesione and referring to specific sector policies financed with cohesion funds starting from 2000 up to today. Every focus is associated with a dedicated dashboard - a set of interactive charts that provide a synthetic representation of the project data that feed the charts and all this in different types of visualization. 

The policy focuses are going to be updated on each of the bi-monthly data updates releases and consequently are displayed  on the portal in the "Focus" search category.

In some cases, the focuses are also associated with in-depth analysis available in the OpenCoesione Briefs and Data Cards. In the following section are made available both the data (csv files and metadata) relating to the latest available update on the portal, as well as the data subject to further analysis in its dedicated pill.

Tourist attractiveness is an intersectoral dimension of development policies. It foresees actions for the protection and enhancement of assets and resources that are decisive for the territories, such as natural and cultural resources, around which to promote destinations, activate territorial resources and actors, organize services, create infrastructures to host visitors and tourists. The focus  "Tourist attractiveness" includes interventions falling into three thematic areas - nature, culture, tourism - with the ambition of representing opportunities created by cohesion policy for increasing tourist attractiveness.

Explore interactive synthetic charts of this focus


The results of the first analysis are described in “Brief no. 38 - Politiche di coesione e Turismo: focus sull’attuazione del ciclo 2007-2013”, which also reports the first elements of the 2014-2020 programming period and, only for the Operational Programmes co-financed with Structural Funds, in “Brief no. 23 – L’attuazione delle politiche di coesione 2007-2013 al 30 giugno 2015: un focus sul turismo nelle politiche comunitarie in Italia”. Other analysis may be found in the section Reuse of data of the OpenCoesione portal, and in particular in the Reports on Italian Tourism.

Projects in focus Tourist attractiveness
Projects in focus Tourist attractiveness - Pill n.38
Projects in focus Tourist attractiveness - Pill n.23

The socio-economic enhancement of assets confiscated from organized crime is a form of intervention for territorial development which, relying on an original situation of disadvantage, finds support in cohesion policies to recover and put at the disposal of the local community these assets for mainly social purposes.

 Explore interactive synthetic charts of this focus

The projects, both tangible and intangible, identified starting from OpenCoesione data and analysed in “Brief no. 27 - Beni confiscati e politiche di coesione: progetti in attuazione al 31 dicembre 2015 e iniziative in corso ” and in “Brief no. 19 - I beni confiscati nelle politiche di coesione e nei progetti di OpenCoesione”, allows to understand the contribution of the 2001-2013 cohesion policies regarding confiscated assets. The Briefs also set out strategies and guidelines on this topic for the 2014-2020 programming period.

Projects in focus Confiscated assets
Projects in focus Confiscated assets - Pill n.27
Projects in focus Confiscated assets - Pill n.19

Cohesion policies finance State intervention for the reclamation of polluted sites, with the aim of recovering industrial sites and contaminated land, restoring polluted areas into productive sites, improving the quality of the environment, promoting urban regeneration, preventing environmental risk or disposing of highly polluting substances, such as asbestos.

The projects monitored and published on the OpenCoesione portal, collected in the focus dedicated to reclamation of polluted sites, concern Sites of National Interest (SIN), Sites of Regional Interest (SIR), sites identified in Regional Reclamation Plans (PRB) and other polluted sites, such as landfills subject to and/or potentially subject to EU infringement proceedings and areas where asbestos removal is planned. The issue of reclamation - which also concerns large brownfield sites, particularly in the South - is a strategic guideline of cohesion policies in the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming periods, particularly in the context of funding from the national Development and Cohesion Fund (FSC).

 Explore interactive synthetic charts of this focus

Projects in focus Reclamation

The cohesion policies recognize culture and cultural heritage as important assets for social and economic development of the Country. Cultural resources widely characterize all the territories, among which great cultural attractions of relevance and international appeal stand out. A heritage that offers enormous potential for promoting development and territorial cohesion and promoting the well-being of communities through an efficient and sustainable organization of services for the enjoyment and cultural participation of citizens and the international public.

The "Culture" focus is a component of the broader focus "Tourist attractiveness", and contains interventions for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage resources, for the development of cultural sites, cultural infrastructures and related services, support for enterprises and other private entities operating in the sector of cultural goods and services.

 Explore interactive synthetic charts of this focus

Projects in focus Culture
Projects in focus Culture and Museums survey

In the 2000-2006, 2007-2013, 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 programming periods, cohesion policy made huge investments in the prevention of hydrogeological instability.The areas of the selected projects are hydraulic safety, mitigation of hydrogeological and seismic risk, reduction of the risk of coastal erosion, desertification, fires. In addition, climate change  adaptation measures and climate-related risks prevention and management (erosion, fires, floods, storms and droughts), but also the preventive safety actions of provincial roads and the consolidation of urban centers. The variety of projects identified starting from the published data allows to define all in detail the contribution of cohesion policies for this sector of policy.

 Explore interactive synthetic charts of this focus

Projects in focus Landslides and Floods

The cohesion policies in the four programming periods have financed projects related to promoting energy savings by citizens, businesses, and public administration—including schools—the implementation of plants for the production of energy from renewable sources, and actions linked to the dissemination of district heating and cooling systems, as well as the development of cogeneration (electricity and heat) and trigeneration (electricity, heat, and cooling).

Such funding has been important for pursuing the goal of an effective ecological transition, without forgetting the fundamental importance of training the necessary skills to support these changes toward a more sustainable future.

Explore interactive charts of this focus

Projects in focus Energy

During the past years, and in particular in the 2014-2020 Programming period, cohesion policy has largely invested in improving the integrated water service. Thus the projects tackling collection, treatment, storage, adduction and, most of all, distribution of drinking water were financed. The intervention priorities are represented by the reduction of water-systems distribution network leakage (drinking water sector) and the implementation of new sewage networks and waste water-treatment plants (collection and purification sector), primarily within the conglomerations (already in infringement procedure by the European Union) and in other particularly sensible areas. 

 Explore interactive synthetic charts of this focus

The variety of projects identified starting from OpenCoesione data, taken from the Data Card "Cohesion policies and human right to water", allows us to summarize the contribution of cohesion policies 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 in the context of the water sector.

Projects in focus Water

Since the 2007-2013 programming period, cohesion policy has promoted the development of socio-educational services for childcare (kindergardens and supplementary and innovative services) by the means of a various interventions aimed both at increasing or consolidating the offer of these services on the territory (especially in the Southern regions) both to stimulate and support demand from families. Over time, also thanks to the rules set for the use of cohesion resources, important progress has been made in defining service standards and in the consequent regional regulation, improvements which, combined with direct investments, have favored the growth of services, which however remain in many territories still far from the at levels of standards defined at European level. As regards socio-educational services for childcare, the perimeter identified distinguishes 3 main types of intervention: interventions to support the effective provision of childcare services by the Municipalities, those to support the demand for services of families and interventions to strengthen and qualify structures.

 Explore interactive synthetic charts of this focus

Progetti in focus Childhood

The projects monitored and published on the OpenCoesione portal collected in this focus dedicated to Reservoirs concern projects that have to do with reservoirs for water supply and dams. These are, in particular, maintenance interventions for the improvement and modernization and safety of dams and reservoirs.

 Explore interactive synthetic charts of this focus

Progetti in focus Invasi

Cohesion policy supports research and innovation activities for competitiveness through a diverse array of operations aimed at increasing or strengthening the potential for regional development. This focus includes projects of different nature:

- research infrastructures;

- funding and incentives to enterprises for research and innovation activities;

- purchase of special equipment and services;

- qualification of competences for competitiveness.

 Explore interactive synthetic charts of this focus

Projects in focus I&R and human capital
Projects in focus I&R and human capital - Pill n.39

In the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming periods, cohesion policy invested in projects dealing with urban waste management. The areas of the selected projects are relating, in particular, to the prevention campaigns, plants for the management and treatment of urban waste, activities for the safety of waste landfills and separate waste collection. The variety of projects identified out of the published data enables us to define in detail the contribution of cohesion policies for this sector of policy.

 Explore interactive synthetic charts of this focus

Projects in focus Waste

Cohesion policy since 2000 has aimed to reduce the risk exposure of the population, infrastructure and businesses, supporting interventions to prevent different types of risk, increase the resilience of the territories and, when necessary, adopt supporting measures to disaster-affected areas.

Among the various types, it also dealt with seismic risk, giving priority to the seismic safety of public buildings and infrastructures of strategic importance and of operational centres, according to the priorities identified by the Civil Protection system. The focus, therefore, primarily includes interventions concerning the prevention, safety, redevelopment, recovery and adaptation of buildings and infrastructures and - only marginally - economic interventions to support enterprises based in areas affected by seismic events.

 Explore interactive charts of this focus

Projects in focus Mitigation of seismic hazard

Cohesion policy has invested in projects that have ensured the strengthening of the road network, the urban network (especially in congested areas), the railway network, port and airport connections, and intermodal transport to encourage sustainable mobility and promote public transportation. The interventions have involved the creation, operation, use, and maintenance of infrastructures for road transport (roads and highways), rail, air, and water transport (maritime, lake, and river transport), including bridges, tunnels, ports, airports, stations, freight terminals, as well as ensuring user supervision and regulation.

Explore interactive charts of this focus

Projects in focus Transport and Sustainable Mobility

This section contains focuses created starting from the ongoing projects published on OpenCoesione with reference to specific Strategies, financed with the funds of the Cohesion policy starting from the 2014-2020 programming period. For each focus are made available the latest update of the data (csv files and metadata) relating to specific sectors of the in-depth analysis. It is possible to navigate the list of single projects relating to the focus on the search page using the dedicated filter category.


This focus ccomprises the interventions carried out as part of the COVID-19 emergency response Strategy with cohesion policies, supported by Programmes financed by European funds (ERDF and ESF) and national resources in order to mitigate the effects that the pandemic caused in Italy.

The projects included in this focus are financed under the CRII and CRII+ initiatives (and elaborated according to the rules established by the MEF-IGRUE note), those financed under the REACT-EU axes which are also associated with the COVID strategy , those of the special section 1 of the PSC (which contains interventions to mitigate the Covid-19 effects) and other projects aimed at mitigating the effects of the Covid-19 emergency also present in other programming areas of cohesion policies (e.g. financed in POC).

The “classe” variable, associated with all the projects in the focus, enables the identification of the projects of the CRII and CRII+ initiatives ("CRII" class), the projects connected to the REACT axes ("REACT" class), the projects of the special section 1 of the PSC (class "PSC") and all other projects (class "Other").

The funds have also financed interventions paid for by the state (such as wages guarantee fund or the purchase of medical materials to mitigate and prevent the pandemic).

Projects in focus Fighting COVID-19

The Focus is dedicated to the operations financed by the European cohesion policy relating to the 2014-2020 programming period that according to the criteria established by the Implementing Regulation no. 215/2014 of the European Commission contribute to mitigate the effects of climate change. In line with the Regulation contents and the type of intervention financed, it is therefore possible to identify two macro-classes of projects ("climate class" field): those that contribute 100% to the mitigation of climate change and those that provide a contribution up to 40%. It is a simple method to have an initial estimate of the investments made with European funds to achieve the goal of reducing CO2 emissions.

Projects in focus Climate Change

This focus collects the interventions carried out under the REACT-EU initiative. In fact, to overcome the crisis caused by the COVID-19 emergency, the European Commission has allocated additional resources from the 2021-2027 EU budget to the 2014-2020 cohesion policy for each Member State. For Italy, the REACT-EU resources integrate some of the existing 2014-2020 European programmes managed by national administrations already co-financed by the ERDF and ESF funds, in addition to the FEAD Programme, within which new dedicated axes are envisaged. The resources allocated aim to strengthen the contribution of cohesion policy to overcoming the pandemic crisis, through the financing of interventions for the health, social and employment emergency, to strengthen the contribution of cohesion policy to the pursuit of territorial and social rebalancing objectives - economic and structural reinforcement of the South. The REACT-EU strategy also constitutes a bridge between the 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 programming periods, financing initiatives capable of contributing to the green, digital and resilient transition and recovery of the economy.

Projects in focus REACT-EU

The Internal Areas National Strategy (IANS) is a strategy of the 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 programming period supported by national resources and European funds (ERDF, ESF and EAFRD). It aims to counter the demographic decline that characterizes a significant portion of the country, with the aim of ensuring full access to essential citizenship rights (local public transport, education and socio-health services) and at the same time promoting economic development and maintenance of the territory.

This focus also corresponds to a dedicated section of the portal that allows the users to consult the projects according to a territorial logic that is not strictly administrative, and in particular those relating to the 72 internal areas in which the Internal Areas National Strategy is articulated.

Find more information about in the dedicated page of the portal of the Department for Cohesion Policies.


Projects in focus SNAI

Cohesion policy programming: financial resources

The European Structural and Investment Funds available in Italy for the 2021-2027 cycle are the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), the Just Transition Fund (JTF). ERDF, ESF+, JTF are implemented through National (NP) and Regional (RP) Programmes. Data on Programme funding provide a breakdown of the total value of the resources allocated with details on the share from the Community budget and are reported as absolute values in euros.  Information reported on the decisions approving the Programme includes number, date and reference to any previous decisions.

Total funding for the 2021-2027 Programmes *
Decisions of approval for the 2021-2027 Programmes *

Last update: data at 30/06/2024.
* Data not available on the OpenCoesione portal.

Development and Cohesion Fund (FSC) programming for the 2021-2027 period takes the form of Plans, Programmes, allocations approved by Italy’s Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning (Comitato Interministeriale per la Programmazione Economica - CIPE) and other allocations under the provisions of law to individual projects and initiatives.

Data on funding are broken down by type, territory involved and sponsoring government body and refer to the 2014-2020 FSC resources that have been allocated. The amounts are reported as absolute values in euros. The numbers and dates of the CIPE resolutions approving the Plans and Programmes and of the laws, if any, allocating funding are provided. In the event there is more than one decision referring to a given allocation, the references are shown on separate lines.

Total funding for the 2021-2027 DCF Programmes *
Decisions of approval for the 2021-2027 DCF Programmes *

Last update: data at 30/06/2024.
* Data not available on the OpenCoesione portal.

The European Structural and Investment Funds available in Italy for the 2014-2020 cycle are the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). The ERDF and the ESF are implemented through the National (NOP) and Regional (ROP) Operational Programmes, while the EAFRD and the EMFF that, although not falling within the scope of the cohesion policies, are part of the Partnership Agreement, are undertaken through the national and regional Rural Development Programmes (RDP). The data on the Programme funding provide a breakdown of the total value of the resources allocated with details on the share from the Community budget and are reported as absolute values in euros. In the Opendata file the national co-financing values has been reported net of allocations to Complementary Operational Programmes in accordance to Article 242 of Decree-Law 34/2020.The information reported on the decisions approving the Programme includes the number, date and reference to any previous decisions.

Total funding for the 2014-2020 Operational Programmes *
Decisions of approval for the 2014-2020 Operational Programmes *

Last update: data at 30/06/2024.
* Data not available on the OpenCoesione portal.

The Development and Cohesion Fund (FSC) programming for the 2014-2020 period takes the form of National Operational Programmes approved by Italy’s Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning (Comitato Interministeriale per la Programmazione Economica - CIPE), priority plans and other CIPE allocations (made prior to the adoption of CIPE Resolution 25/2016 allocating the Fund), allocations under the provisions of law to individual projects and initiatives in the national interest and development pacts signed by the Government with regions and cities.

The data on funding are broken down by type, territory involved and sponsoring government body and refer to the 2014-2020 FSC resources that have been allocated. The amounts are reported as absolute values in euros. The numbers and dates of the CIPE resolutions approving the Plans and Programmes and of the laws, if any, allocating funding are provided. In the event there is more than one decision referring to a given allocation, the references are shown on separate lines.

Total funding for the 2014-2020 DCF Programmes *
Decisions of approval for the 2014-2020 DCF Programmes *

Last update: data at 30/06/2024.
* Data not available on the OpenCoesione portal.

The Complementary Operational Programmes (SOP) - Action and Cohesion Plans for the 2014-2020 period are supported by the Revolving Fund and include national and regional supplemental programmes as well as allocations, again for national and regional government bodies, for completing initiatives begun with the 2007-2013 Structural Fund programming cycle.

The data on funding are broken down by type, territory and sponsoring administration and refer to 2014-2020 SOP resources  that have been allocated. The amounts are reported as absolute values in euros. The numbers and dates of the resolutions approving the Programmes are provided.

Total funding for the 2014-2020 Complementary Operational Programmes *
Decisions of approval for the 2014-2020 Complementary Operational Programmes *

Last update: data at 30/06/2024.
* Data not available on the OpenCoesione portal.

The European Structural Funds available in Italy for the 2007-2013 cycle are the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF), implemented through the National (NOP), Regional (ROP) and Inter-regional (IROP) Operational Programmes. The funding for a programme, approved with a decision of the EU Commission, is structured with a breakdown of the total value of the resources allocated with details on the share from the Community budget. Starting with 2012, it also shows funding arising from the reprogramming done in one of Cohesion Action Plan phases, which for some programmes led to a reduction in the national share of the resources (national co-financing rate). The funding for the Operational Programmes is reported as absolute values in euros.

Total funding for the 2007-2013 Operational Programmes *
Decisions of approval for the 2007-2013 Operational Programmes *

Last update: data at 30/06/2024.
* Data not available on the OpenCoesione portal.

Cohesion policies: information and data

The datasets contain information drawn from the annual survey on the procedures for publishing data on the beneficiaries of European Structural Funds. The survey, begun in 2010 and updated and supplemented periodically by visiting the websites of the Managing Authorities (MA) for the Operational Programmes for the programming cycle 2007-2013 and visiting  single portal or website of Member States for the programming cycle 2014-2020, measures the various characteristics of the lists of beneficiaries and the different procedures for publishing  the associated data.

Some data analysis are available on the page Study on transparency of EU Structural Funds.


EU funding transparency survey *

Last update: data at 14/03/2019.
* Data not available on the OpenCoesione portal.

Beneficiaries for projects in 2014-2020 Operational Programmes
Beneficiaries for projects in PON INIZIATIVA OCCUPAZIONE GIOVANI
Beneficiaries for projects in PON FSE INCLUSIONE
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE EMILIA-ROMAGNA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE FRIULI VENEZIA-GIULIA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE LAZIO
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE LIGURIA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE LOMBARDIA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE MARCHE
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE ABRUZZO
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE UMBRIA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE VALLE D'AOSTA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE VENETO
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE PIEMONTE
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE SICILIA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE TOSCANA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE BASILICATA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE P.A. BOLZANO
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE P.A. TRENTO
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE CAMPANIA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FSE SARDEGNA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR FSE MOLISE
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR FSE PUGLIA
Beneficiaries for projects in PON FESR FSE LEGALITA'
Beneficiaries for projects in PON FESR FSE CITTA' METROPOLITANE
Beneficiaries for projects in PON FESR FSE RICERCA E INNOVAZIONE
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR FSE CALABRIA
Beneficiaries for projects in PON FESR CULTURA E TURISMO
Beneficiaries for projects in PON FESR INFRASTRUTTURE E RETI
Beneficiaries for projects in PON FESR IMPRESE E COMPETITIVITA'
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR ABRUZZO
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR P.A. BOLZANO
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR CAMPANIA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR EMILIA-ROMAGNA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR FRIULI VENEZIA-GIULIA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR LAZIO
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR LIGURIA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR LOMBARDIA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR MARCHE
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR PIEMONTE
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR SARDEGNA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR SICILIA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR TOSCANA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR P.A. TRENTO
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR UMBRIA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR VALLE D'AOSTA
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR VENETO
Beneficiaries for projects in POR FESR BASILICATA
Beneficiaries for projects in PON FESR INIZIATIVA PMI
Beneficiaries for projects in PROGRAMMA FESR INTERREG ITALIA-MALTA
Beneficiaries for projects in PROGRAMMA FESR INTERREG ADRION
Beneficiaries for projects in 2007-2013 Operational Programmes

Last update: data at 30/06/2024.

Expenditure certified to the EU corresponds to the applications for reimbursement of expenses incurred that are presented to the EU by the government bodies sponsoring the programmes co-financed by the Structural Funds and accepted by the European Commission. The data are updated when each programming document is adopted or modified and at the certification deadlines, and to take account of any certifications submitted and still being processed. View the interactive graphs for each Operational Programme.

Total funding and expenditure certified to the EU *
2007-2013 certified expenditure target *

Last update: data at 31/03/2017.
* Data not available on the OpenCoesione portal.

Socio-economic context

The territorial indicators for development policies contain the statistics in ISTAT’s database, comprised of more than 300 variables in annual historical data series generally beginning in 1995, divided by theme and by priority of the different programming cycles and updated on a monthly basis. The data can also be downloaded from the ISTAT website, broken down by territory (regional, provincial and municipal), priority and axis. The license used by ISTAT is CC BY 3.0.

Territorial development indicators

Last update: data at 22/07/2024.

The Regional Public Accounts (RPA) dataset contains information on the financial flows (current and capital account revenue and expenditure) of the Public Administration and the extended public sector broken down by areas of intervention, level of government and economic category in annual time series starting with 2000, updated annually. 

It is also available the update of the tables with the time series of the share of public capital expenditure allocated to the South for the Extended Public Sector (SPA) and for the Public Administration (PA) as well as that allocated to the South by National Public Enterprises.

The 1996-1999 time series of the Regional Public Accounts is available upon request addressed at:

Public administration - Income *
Public administration - Spending *
Broader Public Sector - Income *
Broader Public Sector - Spending *

Last update: data at 18/10/2023.
* Data not available on the OpenCoesione portal.