Cohesion policy monitoring

The National Monitoring System, managed by General Inspectorate for Relations with the European Union of Italy’s National Accounting Office of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance (MEF-RGS-IGRUE), is the source of data on projects being implemented as published on OpenCoesione. At the core of the National Monitoring System is the unified database fed, at the individual project level, by the local information systems of all the public bodies responsible for plans or programmes financed by cohesion funding based on common rules and standards.

The requirement for a provision of centralized informational tool comes from European union regulations advanced already in the 2000-2006 programming period. From the 2007-2013 period, the observation field was extended to all projects of cohesion policy implemented with the support of national funding (first and foremost the Development and Cohesion Fund, or DCF, formerly the Fund for Underutilised Areas). From one programming period to the next, the system, despite being organized into separate databases, maintained a unified information structure and has progressed in line with the main variables observed.

OpenCoesione provides access to open data across the various periods, starting with 2007-2013.

On OpenCoesione the data are navigable and available in open data across the various periods, starting from the 2000-2006 period limited to FSC programmes and from the 2007-2013 period as regards all national and European programmes. The uniformity of the information that flows into the Single Database is guaranteed by the Single Protocol and the related Context Tables that the Administrations must adopt for all their systems in order to interface with the National Monitoring System. Details and application rules are collected in constantly updated documents such as Vademecum, glossaries and application notes, the main references of which are given below.


Reference documents

List updated from the contents of the 2021-2027

Notes and Circulars

  • Monitoraggio delle misure del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza (PNRR) e della Politica di Coesione per il periodo di programmazione 2021-2027. Protocollo Unico di Colloquio, versione 3.0 e PUC Applicativo versione 1.0. -  Circolare RGS del 17 maggio 2024, n. 27



Reference documents

List updated from the contents of the 2014-2020 manuals section of the RGS-IGRUE website

Notes and Circulars

List updated from the contents of the 2014-2020 circulars section of the RGS-IGRUE website





Reference documents

Notes and Circulars

The quality of the data, in addition to the checks carried out by each Administration within their  information systems, is also ensured by a series of automatic checks which are applied during the updating phase of the National Monitoring System.

Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions of the OpenCoesione portal for further information.

Documenti e Manuali di riferimento

Sistema di Monitoraggio 2021-2027

Protocollo Unico di Colloquio (v 3.0 - aprile - maggio 2024)
Protocollo Applicativo (v 1.0 - aprile - maggio 2024)
Protocollo Applicativo - Allegato 1 (v 1.0 - aprile - maggio 2024)

Banca Dati Unitaria 2014-2020

Protocollo Unico di Colloquio (v 2.2 - novembre 2020)
Addendum Protocollo Unico di Colloquio - (v 1.0 - ottobre 2018)
Tabelle di contesto (alla data di riferimento dei dati pubblicati su OpenCoesione)
Controlli di Validazione (v 2.1 - dicembre 2018)
Vademecum Monitoraggio (v 1.0 - dicembre 2015)
Protocollo Applicativo (v 4.1 – gennaio 2017)
Bollettino IGRUE e tabelle in xls (alla data di riferimento dei dati pubblicati su OpenCoesione).
Sezione dedicata alla manualistica 2014-2020 del sito RGS-IGRUE
Confronto con le variabili pubblicate sul portale Opencoesione.

Banca Dati Unitaria 2007-2013

Protocollo Unico di Colloquio (v 4.1 - ottobre 2012)
Controlli di Prevalidazione (v 4.0 - dicembre 2011)
Tabelle di contesto (alla data di riferimento dei dati pubblicati su OpenCoesione)
Vademecum di Monitoraggio (v 1.0 - maggio 2011) 
Bollettino dati di attuazione - Obiettivo Competitività e tabelle xls (aggiornati a giugno 2017)
Bollettino dati di attuazione - Obiettivo Convergenza e tabelle xls (aggiornati a giugno 2017)