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Cohesion policy data

Programming and implementing data on national and european cohesion policies, updated every two months
Funding monitored € 277.4 billion
Payments monitored € 161.1 billion
Projects monitored 1,987,170

Research and innovation

The theme includes industrial research and pilot testing services and projects for enterprises, also carried out in collaboration with universities and public research centres. It also includes funding for the strengthening of facilities and laboratories of universities and research centres and for technology transfer to enterprises (technological districts, innovation hubs).

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Networks and digital services

The theme includes network infrastructure and broadband / ultra-broadband connectivity, services for citizens and enterprises and aid to enterprises for the development of new technologies. It also includes interventions for multimedia educational networks and laboratories in schools, e-government projects, e-health services (centralized medical appointment hubs, services provided by the means of national Health Card, online services for networks of general practitioners) and e-inclusion (active citizenship, e–participation, public access centers to the web).

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Enterprises' competitiveness

The theme includes financial incentives or services for the creation of new enterprises, the setting-up of new production facilities or the expansion and modernization of existing ones. It also includes support for financial engineering tools aimed at enterprises (such as guarantee funds, funds for loans and access to credit and venture capital funds).

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The theme comprises the construction of systems for energy generation from renewable sources, the promotion of energy savings by citizens, enterprises and the Public Administration (including schools). In addition are included the actions for the deployment of district heating and cooling and the development of distributed cogeneration (electricity and heating) and trigeneration (electricity, heating and cooling).

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This theme includes interventions on waste and wastewater management. It also includes risk prevention measures such as prevention of the coastal erosion and hydrogeological instability. It also covers action for climate change adaptation, biodiversity promotion and nature preservation.

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Culture and tourism

The theme comprises infrastructural interventions for the protection and conservation of cultural heritage. It also comprises      interventions for the improvement of tourism services and for the promotion and enhancement of natural resources.

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Transport and mobility

The theme includes the actions aimed at strengthening railway lines, road networks, port connections and intermodality. It also includes interventions that encourage the sustainable mobility and public transport in congested urban areas.

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Employment and labour

This theme includes active measures for the labour market, for life long learning in enterprises, for promoting more effective forms of workforce organization and for supporting self-employment. It also includes interventions to improve access to employment and     increase sustainable participation of women for achieving work-life balance.

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Social inclusion and health

The theme comprises the interventions aimed at improving the social and occupational inclusion of disadvantaged groups, investments in social services and health infrastructure (kindergartens, requalification of residential and semi-residential facilities and services for elderly and disabled people). In addition it includes interventions for housing policies (public housing and social housing), infrastructures and services for health, interventions to increase the active and healthy aging and to foster active inclusion, also with aim to promote equal opportunities and active participation.

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Education and training

The theme includes interventions aimed at promoting educational success and social inclusion as a way of contrasting early school leaving, actions to improve students’ learning and enhance excellence, as well as measures targeting school staff (such as training) and adult education programmes.

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Administrative capacity

The theme comprises interventions aimed at strengthening and modernising institutional capacities at national, regional and local level, also to foster the development of digital skills, the availability of data and information and open government. It also includes projects to improve the programming, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and communication of programmes funded by cohesion policies.

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Cohesion territories

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Financing opportunities 2021-2027

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At the School of OpenCohesion

Civic monitoring in the schools of cohesion policy projects

At the School of OpenCohesion (ASOC) is the educational course of OpenCohesion to push forward civic activism of students on projects funded by cohesion policies in the territories. Students develop civic monitoring researches using videos and other creative works.

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