ASOC Didactic plan: new indications
In consideration to the closure of schools and the suspension of educational trips throughout Italy (according to the indications given by the Dpcm of 4th March 2020), the ASOC educational plan has been rescheduled.
In this regard, it should be noted that the submission of Reports 3 and the Report 4 have been merged into a single delivery, with a deadline set to 20th April 2020. In addition, the organization of the SAA2020 event (SAA=Week of Open Administration) and the creation of the Instagram video, expected outputs from the Lesson 3 Report, will no longer be evaluated.
This decision is aimed to provide the solidarity with schools that have not had the opportunity to implement them due to the provisions already implemented in some Regions. Therefore, on the "Team" page, the "Description of the SAA2020 event" and "Instagram Video of the SAA2020 event created" are no longer to be completed.
Given the great effort made by all the schools participating in ASOC1920 in the programming and planning of the initiatives for the Week of the Open Administration, in case the governmental provisions allow it the event might be later on rescheduled.
Nevertheless, some outputs will have to be revised with aim to encourage on-distance interaction methods. For example, regarding the civic monitoring visit and the video to be made for Lesson 3, it is necessary to elaborate a video with images, telephone interviews, animated graphics and newspaper articles and in-depth material available online or already produced by you in previously.
This work must be carried out in compliance with recent government regulations and provisions aimed to protect public health (avoid meetings, gatherings, keep the right physical safety distances).
The ASOC team invites you to take into account these guidelines when filling out the Monithon report. During the next, a video tutorial useful for the delivery of this output will be published on the ASOC website.
Furthermore, the Calendar section will be updated with the remodeling of some didactic appointments, to support civic monitoring activities.
The ASOC team will keep you updated on own dedicate webpage with further indications based on the evolution of the emergency situation. For any additional information check out: