Data update as at 31st December 2021


The OpenCoesione portal published the data updated at 31st December 2021 referring to the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming periods and related to the implementation of 1.743.245 operations financed by the cohesion policy.

The total public amount of the operations visible on the portal is 201,8 billion Euro, while the total amount of the payments disbursed is 104,5 billion Euro. As part of the projects monitored on OpenCoesione relating to the 2014-2020 programming period, the public cost is 107,4 billion euro. Currently, the payment amount is 38,3 billion euro. In relation to the monitored projects referring to the 2007-2013 programming period, the public cost is 94.4 billion euros. Currently, the payment amount is 66,3 billion euro.

In addition, the new section of the portal has also been updated, enabling the navigation of the projects of the National Strategy for Internal Areas: there are 1,002 projects monitored as of 31 December 2021, for a monitored total public cost of 228.7 million euros.

Besides the public cost, for the third time are identified and displayed the "cohesion resources" data, representing the funds coming from the European budget (European Structural and Investment Funds) and from the national budget (national co-financing quote of the EU funds, Cohesion and Development Fund and resources of the Cohesion Action Plan). Out of a total public cost above indicated, the "cohesion resources" amount to 172,9 billion euro: the difference is given by the so-called "attracted resources" represented by other public funding allocated from ordinary resources of the State or local authorities that partially cover the investment and to which cohesion policy investments act as a driving force.

Plans and Programs currently monitored are 307. Two new programmes relating to the 2014-2020 programming period have been monitored for the first time in this last period, as follows:

  • RESTO AL SUD AGRICOLTURA (DCF 2014-2020 programming period)

  • POC MOLISE (POC 2014-2020 programming period)