Cohesion policies and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR)

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan foresees investments and reforms to which are associated European resources for € 191.5 billion in addition to € 30.6 billion from a national complementary fund, for an overall total of € 222.1 billion. In addition to these allocations, there are also 15.5 billion of the funds available from the Development and Cohesion Fund (FSC) for the 2021-2027 programming period aimed at covering project initiatives included in the NRRP.

The areas in which cohesion policy enters in close relation with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) are:

  • The "40% clause", which foresees that the central administrations involved in the implementation of the PNRR should ensure that at least 40 percent of the resources that can be allocated territorially are addressed for the regions of the South. The Department for Cohesion Policies must verify compliance with this objective.

  • Investments in charge of the Minister delegated to cohesion, which refer to Mission number 5 (M5C3) of the PNRR, "Inclusion and cohesion", whose objective is to promote innovation in the labour market, facilitating participation, improving training and active policies, eliminating social, economic and territorial inequalities, supporting female entrepreneurship.


Law n. 101/2021, containing urgent measures relating to the Complementary Fund to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and other urgent measures for investments (the conversion, with modifications, of the decree-law n. 59 of 6 May 2021)

Decree of the Minister of Economy and Finance of 6th August 2021, "Allocation of the financial resources foreseen for the implementation of the interventions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and distribution of goals and objectives by half-yearly reporting deadlines”.

Mission 5 "Inclusion and cohesion" - measures in charge of the Minister 

The progress of the implementation of investments can be monitored on the catalog of Open Data of ItaliaDomani website

On the website of the Department for the cohesion policy are available all the implementating measures of the M5C3 (Decrees and annexes, Guidelines for the beneficiaries - for expenditure reporting and control and compliance with DNSH principle)