• Regional capital: Potenza
  • Population: 537,577 inhabitants ?
  • GDP procapita: 23,470 € ?
  • Surface: 10,073.1 kmq
  • Num. Municipalities: 131
  • Web site:
Code Municipality Public cost
76001 Abriola 46433366.00
77001 Accettura 69614291.00
76002 Acerenza 75176567.00
76003 Albano di Lucania 68019843.00
77002 Aliano 38495415.00
76004 Anzi 137892852.00
76005 Armento 34677477.00
76006 Atella 419688635.00
76007 Avigliano 128237866.00
76008 Balvano 54605126.00
76009 Banzi 42631072.00
76010 Baragiano 55010048.00
76011 Barile 85258775.00
76012 Bella 46744616.00
77003 Bernalda 161258433.00
76013 Brienza 155383952.00
76014 Brindisi Montagna 54364607.00
77004 Calciano 73236443.00
76015 Calvello 36952602.00
76016 Calvera 39934861.00
76017 Campomaggiore 62246304.00
76018 Cancellara 63040165.00
76019 Carbone 60487805.00
76021 Castelgrande 34807792.00
76022 Castelluccio Inferiore 54514609.00
76023 Castelluccio Superiore 32538613.00
76024 Castelmezzano 61726029.00
76025 Castelsaraceno 30114130.00
76026 Castronuovo di Sant'Andrea 52771010.00
76027 Cersosimo 24641401.00
76028 Chiaromonte 99030291.00
77005 Cirigliano 58703119.00
77006 Colobraro 52581794.00
76029 Corleto Perticara 140875178.00
77007 Craco 39575775.00
76030 Episcopia 32964493.00
76031 Fardella 25810633.00
77008 Ferrandina 613195673.00
76032 Filiano 89735419.00
76033 Forenza 83498098.00
76034 Francavilla in Sinni 61861178.00
76035 Gallicchio 37057770.00
77009 Garaguso 81246137.00
76036 Genzano di Lucania 168556109.00
76099 Ginestra 132793342.00
77010 Gorgoglione 37994408.00
77011 Grassano 57060574.00
77012 Grottole 61744154.00
76037 Grumento Nova 62089669.00
76038 Guardia Perticara 44161915.00
77013 Irsina 53916336.00
76039 Lagonegro 1178833627.00
76040 Latronico 68571347.00
76041 Laurenzana 133942318.00
76042 Lauria 1165162204.00
76043 Lavello 64735112.00
76044 Maratea 197812329.00
76045 Marsico Nuovo 72731322.00
76046 Marsicovetere 64553576.00
76047 Maschito 52836931.00
77014 Matera 1300907832.00
76048 Melfi 226079536.00
77015 Miglionico 76362273.00
76049 Missanello 37220104.00
76050 Moliterno 60920902.00
77016 Montalbano Jonico 71490523.00
76051 Montemilone 38674691.00
76052 Montemurro 37331647.00
77017 Montescaglioso 108128592.00
76053 Muro Lucano 55246754.00
76054 Nemoli 1055752303.00
76055 Noepoli 54415098.00
77018 Nova Siri 51413429.00
77019 Oliveto Lucano 40358944.00
76056 Oppido Lucano 71774722.00
76057 Palazzo San Gervasio 87833209.00
76100 Paterno 58458551.00
76058 Pescopagano 49974002.00
76059 Picerno 100689966.00
76060 Pietragalla 102315500.00
76061 Pietrapertosa 41876269.00
76062 Pignola 51303712.00
77020 Pisticci 211360070.00
77021 Policoro 103951985.00
77022 Pomarico 72104675.00
76063 Potenza 1170202625.00
76064 Rapolla 79994340.00
76065 Rapone 42278555.00
76066 Rionero in Vulture 122703482.00
76067 Ripacandida 83574887.00
76068 Rivello 1074886330.00
76069 Roccanova 40598866.00
76070 Rotonda 65924031.00
77023 Rotondella 77777588.00
76071 Ruoti 52186306.00
76072 Ruvo del Monte 42588483.00
77024 Salandra 168449136.00
76073 San Chirico Nuovo 43301374.00
76074 San Chirico Raparo 39142923.00
76075 San Costantino Albanese 40420297.00
76076 San Fele 55990153.00
77025 San Giorgio Lucano 39463165.00
76077 San Martino d'Agri 38603269.00
77026 San Mauro Forte 48044690.00
76020 San Paolo Albanese 36157236.00
76078 San Severino Lucano 43012369.00
76079 Sant'Angelo Le Fratte 48168356.00
76080 Sant'Arcangelo 55732564.00
76081 Sarconi 27824755.00
76082 Sasso di Castalda 23670882.00
76083 Satriano di Lucania 54207455.00
76084 Savoia di Lucania 58912960.00
77031 Scanzano Jonico 77885807.00
76085 Senise 123330603.00
76086 Spinoso 48202658.00
77027 Stigliano 89097989.00
76087 Teana 46892000.00
76088 Terranova di Pollino 43691257.00
76089 Tito 227458431.00
76090 Tolve 62651644.00
76091 Tramutola 52756457.00
76092 Trecchina 55545507.00
77028 Tricarico 95356248.00
76093 Trivigno 62649078.00
77029 Tursi 76867091.00
76094 Vaglio Basilicata 155813284.00
77030 Valsinni 45662663.00
76095 Venosa 150543986.00
76096 Vietri di Potenza 120657110.00
76097 Viggianello 58254230.00
76098 Viggiano 68929186.00

Since 2007 up to today in Basilicata Region the value of projects monitored and supported by cohesion policies has exceeded 22 billion euros, out of which more than 18 billion relate to projects financed in the 2014-2020 programming period.

35,645 Funded projects
€ 23.5 billion Public fundings
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The evolution of the territorial context on all cohesion themes is represented both by financed project and by a selection of statistical indicators available on Database of territorial indicators for development policies (ISTAT)

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Research and innovation

Over billion invested in Research and innovation projects supported by cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are industrial research and pilot testing services and projects for enterprises, as well as projects for strengthening facilities and laboratories of universities and research centres and for technology transfer to enterprises.

€ 1.1 billion Public fundings
5% of the total
from 0.1% to 0.1% researchers in enterprises (2010-2021)

Networks and digital services

Over 400 million invested in Digital services projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are interventions for the improvement of network infrastructure, broadband and ultra-broadband connectivity, services for citizens and enterprises and aid to enterprises for the development of new technologies, e-government, e-health and e-inclusion projects.

€ 456.0 million Public fundings
2% of the total
77.3% households with internet access (2022)

Enterprises' competitiveness

Over 8,4 billion invested in Enterprises' competitiveness projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are incentives and services for the creation of new enterprises, the setting-up of new production facilities or the expansion and modernization of existing ones, as well as financial engineering tools.

€ 8.4 billion Public fundings
36% of the total
from 20.2% to 40.8% innovative enterprises (2004-2020)


Over 200 million invested in Energy projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are systems for energy generation from renewable sources and initiatives for the promotion of energy savings by citizens, enterprises and the Public Administration.

€ 264.8 million Public fundings
1% of the total
from 51.0 to 41.4 Gwh/sqkm energy consumption for public lighting (2011-2022)


Over 1,3 billion invested in Environment projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are interventions related to wastewater and waste management, risk prevention measures, actions for climate change adaptation, biodiversity promotion and nature preservation.

€ 1.3 billion Public fundings
6% of the total
63,7% separate collection of municipal waste (2022)

Culture and tourism

Over 400 million invested in Tourism and Culture projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are infrastructural interventions for the protection and conservation of cultural heritage, for the improvement of tourism services and for the promotion and enhancement of natural resources.

€ 428.4 million Public fundings
2% of the total
4.1 nights tourists’ presence per inhabitant (2022)

Transport and mobility

Over 3,1 billion invested in Transport and mobility projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are interventions aimed at strengthening railway lines, road networks, port connections and intermodality, also including interventions that encourage the sustainable mobility and public transport in congested urban areas.

€ 3.2 billion Public fundings
13% of the total
17.0% public transport users (2022)

Employment and labour

Over 6 billion invested in Employment and Labour projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are active and preventive labour market measures, the development of systemic actions and strategies for lifelong learning in enterprises, measures for improving access to employment and for increasing sustainable participation of women for achieving work-life balance.

€ 6.9 billion Public fundings
29% of the total
from 49.4% to 53.1% employees compared to the overall population (2018-2022)

Social inclusion and health

Over 600 million invested in Inclusion and Health projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are interventions for the social and occupational integration of disadvantaged people, investments in social services and health infrastructure, as well as public housing and projects aimed at increasing active and healthy aging and promoting equal opportunities and active participation.

€ 682.3 million Public fundings
3% of the total
23,8% people living below the poverty line (2022)

Education and training

Over 300 million invested in Education and training projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are interventions aimed at promoting educational success and social inclusion as a way of contrasting early school leaving, actions to improve students’ learning and enhance excellence, as well as measures targeting school staff (such as training) and adult education programmes.

€ 326.4 million Public fundings
1% of the total
20.6% youth NEET (2022)

Administrative capacity

Over 400 million invested in Administrative capacity projects supported by the cohesion policies since 2007 up to today. These are projects for the modernization of the Public Administration, to encourage the development of digital skills, the availability of to foster the development of digital skills, the availability of data and information and open government, as well as interventions to improve the programming, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and communication of programmes funded by cohesion policies.

€ 410.2 million Public fundings
2% of the total
51.1% Municipalities with fully interactive services (2018)

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