Updated on 31/08/2024
Funding monitored € 505,200.00 of which cohesion funds € 505,200.00
Given name Amount
Another public source505200.00
Payments monitored € 0.00 of which cohesion funds € 0.00
Year Amount Cumulative amount Percentage on public financing

State of progress

Expected start: 06/05/2019
Effective start: not available
Expected end: 30/09/2023
Effective end: not available

Programming area

2014-2020 Cohesion Action Plan
2014-2020 Cohesion Action Plan
CAP area axis
Istruzione e formazione (OT10 FSE)
CAP action line
Innalzamento dei livelli di competenze, di partecipazione e di successo formativo nell'istruzione universitaria e_o equivalente

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