Data in euro
Updated on 31/10/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 8049069
Education and training 2518523
Employment and labour 1411096
Social inclusion and health 1383911
Transport and mobility 955504
Environment 507604
Energy 358729
Enterprises' competitiveness 291390
Networks and digital services 277056
Culture and tourism 0
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 960842
Infrastructure 3748064
Incentives for firms 8810916
Grants to individuals 2233061
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF SARDINIA 11,492,865
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF SARDINIA 2,945,721
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE SARDEGNA 762,100
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC SARDEGNA 502,197
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTERO DELL'ISTRUZIONE E DEL MERITO 50,000
Data in euro
Updated on 31/10/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 10741628
Education and training 2478074
Social inclusion and health 1485346
Employment and labour 1460432
Transport and mobility 1095161
Enterprises' competitiveness 651478
Environment 608000
Energy 301384
Networks and digital services 268093
Culture and tourism 0
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 973653
Infrastructure 3969245
Incentives for firms 11859795
Grants to individuals 2286902
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF SARDINIA 14,888,476
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF SARDINIA 3,017,513
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE SARDEGNA 649,459
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC SARDEGNA 484,148
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTERO DELL'ISTRUZIONE E DEL MERITO 50,000
Data in euro
Updated on 31/10/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 8049069
Education and training 2445278
Social inclusion and health 1383596
Employment and labour 1351505
Transport and mobility 844819
Environment 507604
Energy 358526
Enterprises' competitiveness 291390
Networks and digital services 277056
Culture and tourism 0
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 958745
Infrastructure 3637379
Incentives for firms 8705020
Grants to individuals 2207699
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF SARDINIA 11,492,662
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF SARDINIA 2,814,666
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE SARDEGNA 760,318
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC SARDEGNA 391,512
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTERO DELL'ISTRUZIONE E DEL MERITO 49,685
Data in euro
Updated on 31/10/2024


What sectors receive funding?

Given name Value
Research and innovation 8049068
Education and training 2332283
Employment and labour 1306937
Social inclusion and health 633800
Transport and mobility 567040
Environment 492683
Energy 297874
Networks and digital services 268093
Enterprises' competitiveness 234656
Culture and tourism 0
Administrative capacity 0

Type of investment

What do you do with projects?

Given name Value
Procurement of goods and services 949781
Infrastructure 2421237
Incentives for firms 8648285
Grants to individuals 2163131
Capital contributions 0
Not available 0


Where is it?

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF SARDINIA 10,341,511
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF SARDINIA 2,770,098
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE SARDEGNA 647,677
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC SARDEGNA 373,462
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTERO DELL'ISTRUZIONE E DEL MERITO 49,685
Data in number of projects
Updated on 31/10/2024

Cohesion programmes

Which Programmes have more implemented projects?

Source Programme Value
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ESF SARDINIA 134
Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 ROP RCE ERDF SARDINIA 30
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC REGIONE SARDEGNA 18
Piano d'Azione Coesione 2007-2013 PROGRAMMA PAC SARDEGNA 4
Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020 PSC MINISTERO DELL'ISTRUZIONE E DEL MERITO 2

Implementing bodies with most funding

FLUORSID € 5,794,816
C.I.A.M. SERVIZI € 782,562
PIMAPAN S.R.L. € 624,859

Developments in total commitments and payments

What has been allocated and paid over the years?

Year Commitments Payments
2005 1186.47 0
2006 1186.47 0
2007 21154.47 0
2008 703624.75 466741.75
2009 1413642.67 871118.06
2010 2156402.34 2386537.48
2011 2731481.16 5548391.27
2012 8123174.56 6372270.61
2013 8803813.87 7564475.95
2014 9938754.26 8378349.37
2015 18657522.81 13677401.37
2016 18988355.18 14711278.95
2017 19257046.59 15035220.19
2018 19310347.44 15045130.55
2019 19334378.98 15157868.45
2020 19525010.11 15198453.86
2021 19536922.02 15238549.68
2022 19589542.88 15452925.06
2023 19622411.88 15484749.86
2024 19644191.88 15508842.86