Revision of the registry of public entities associated with cohesion policy projects


The section of the OpenCoesione portal dedicated to the entities of cohesion policies was revised, with the references to the registry of public entities, the result of the comparison and integration work between the data of the National Monitoring System and the contents of the Registry BDAP of Public Administration Bodies, available in open format on the OpenBDAP portal.

This activity ensures that in the list of entities - which include public bodies, enterprises or corporations controlled by a public administration and non-profit institutions - involved in the implementation of the projects, the multiple denominations and reconstructed identification codes. Currently, in fact, the different criteria for collecting information in the National Monitoring System for the two programming periods 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 have meant that it was not always possible to uniquely identify the subjects.

In addition to the homepage, the results of this activity can also be viewed in all the sections referring to "Entities", where the names and identification codes of public bodies are more homogeneous and complete, while in the Open data section they can be downloaded directly from “Entities” table, where each subject connected to a BDAP registry body presents an additional set of identification codes that allow it to be tracked uniquely.

These renewed variables do not replace what is directly entered in monitoring and both information is available in the section dedicated to Open data.

With the activity carried out it was possible to univocally identify approximately 95% of public entities, with the result of having tracked the over 60 thousand entities monitored by the individual administrations to approximately 33 thousand effectively distinct subjects. This reduces the distortion present in the monitoring data by almost 50 percent.