

ASOC presenting at the Biennale Cinema 2021

As a part of the 78th Venice International Film Festival, the Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme is organizing a live event on 2nd September 2021 at the Excelsior hotel in Lido entitled "The cultural and communicative dimension of the European cooperation ...


New online content for OpenCoesione, which turns nine!

The OpenCoesione initiative celebrates nine years by releasing new contents on the portal, with aim to enrich the offer for  users who can already navigate between open data and thematic focuses updated every two months, maps, interactive graphics, Data Cards ...


A new focus dedicated to the waste

The focus dedicated to projects concerning urban waste and its management has been published in the open data section of the OpenCoesione portal.

The focus gathers, according to the last data update at 30th April 2021 of the National Monitoring ...


Focus updated with data at 30th April 2021

In the Open Data section of the OpenCoesione portal have been published the updated versions with data at 30th April 2021 of the focuses dedicated to cohesion policy projects concerning the following topics: Tourist attraction, Confiscated assets, Land Reclamation, Culture, ...


Data update as at 30 April 2021

On OpenCoesione portal is published the bimonthly data update at 30th April 2021 referring to the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming periods and related to the implementation of 1.697.952 operations financed by the cohesion policy (around 18 thousand more in ...


OpenCoesione and ASOC at the Summer School of the Good (s) Monitoring, Europe project!

Tag: Eventi

OpenCoesione is a partner of the "Good(s) Monitoring, Europe!" Project which aims to promote European social inclusion strategies addressed at the most disadvantaged segments of the population, by means of the public and social reuse of assets confiscated from organized ...


Una Data Card dedicata alle politiche di coesione nell’Area MED

L’8 luglio è la Giornata Internazionale del Mar Mediterraneo. Un’occasione per aumentare la conoscenza e la consapevolezza sullo stato di salute di quello che i romani chiamavano Mare Nostrum e sui pericoli che lo minacciano.

OpenCoesione dedica una Data ...


Regional Public Accounts (RPA): Annual Data Update at 2019

Regional Public Accounts System (RPA) - contains the information on the financial flows of the Public Administration and generally of the Public sector classified by the intervention sector, level of government and economic category - has been updated with data ...


ASOC AWARDS: on the website of At the School of OpenCohesion all the awarded teams

The final event of the At the School of OpenCohesion project for the 2020-2021 school year was held on 4th June. A special event, this year dedicated to the theme of digital culture, was addressed to students and teachers ...


Cohesion policy, ASOC-team civic monitoring, and cycling mobility — an OpenCoesione data card

The 3rd of June is World Bicycle Day, established by the United Nations to celebrate the “uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle”, which is used is wealth nations as well as in developing or under-developed nations.

Given ...